Better Questions For A Better Life: Physical Health

Better Questions For A Better Life: Physical Health

The modern mind is overstimulated and the modern body is understimulated and overfed. Meditation, exercise, and fasting restore an ancient balance. – Naval Ravikant


A healthy body allows us to do more.  It opens the door to more opportunities. We might be reluctant to admit it, but we all prefer healthier people (In general.).  The questions below are designed to make staying healthy easier.


1.Where could I walk to today?


2. How do I feel after doing yoga, before I sleep?


3. If I don't go to the gym what exercises can I do at home?


4. How can I make sure I do these exercises?


5. What would me at my healthiest look like?


6. How would me at my healthiest feel?


7. How would others treat this version of me?


8. What opportunities would open up to this version of me?


9. How can I make it easier for me to exercise?


10. How can I make it harder for me to be lazy?


11. What foods do I need to stop buying? Why?


12. What foods should I buy? Why?


13. How can I make eating healthier easier?


14. How can I make eating unhealthy harder?


15. When I eat good food how do I feel 30 minutes later?


16. When I eat bad food how do I feel 30 minutes later?


17. How can I be 1% healthier today?


18. Would I be more willing to exercise if I reduced my reps?


19. How would I feel if I knew how to defend myself?


20. What would this allow me to do?


21. How do I feel after a workout?


22. How do I feel after a day of lazyness?


23. If I got sick now, how sick would I get?


24. How do I improve my immune system?


25. What was my health like when I was at my happiest?



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