Better Questions For A Better Life: Projects

Better Questions For A Better Life: Projects


If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. - Epictetus


Find projects to work on.  Creating gives our lives meaning.  As the project develops so do we.  It becomes a visual representation of our growth.  When you see how quickly you can grow into something great you gain confidence, self respect and happiness.  So what are you eating for?  Answer the questions below and get started on your own projects.


1. If I had enough money what would I work on for fun?


2. What could I work on, that if successful, could change the world?


3. What would I like to learn more about?


4. What problems could be easily solved?


5. Who else would benefit if I solved these problems?


6. What areas do I know more than most people?


7. How can I simplify this knowledge?


8. How can I share this knowledge?


9. What skills could I combine, so that I can bring something unique to the world?


10. What could I work on today?


11. How do I continue to improve this project?


12. How could I make money from this project?


13. What type of people would benefit from this project?


14. Does this work need to be done by me?


15. How can I make £1 today?


16. How can I improve my brand?


17. How do I feel when working on a project?


18. What would I write a book about?


19. What  series of videos could I make?


20. What new skills could I learn?


21. How could I use these skills to improve my life?


22. What will I learn on the process of developing my project?


23. Where could I learn how to improve my project?


24. If I worked on this for a year what would it look like?


25.How will I act if I come across a problem?


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