Book Takeaways (Influence)

Book Takeaways (Influence)

Since 95 percent of the people are imitators and only 5 percent initiators, people are persuaded more by the actions of others than by any proof we can offer. - Robert B. Caldini


This is what I took away from the book Influence by Robert B. Caldini.

Great book about persuasion. I highly recommend you read it, really good book.


Others are more likely to perform a favour of you provide a reason. It doesn't even need to be a good reason.

Eg. Can I cut ahead, because I'm in a rush. Is much more likely to work than 'can I cut ahead.

2. Contrast

If you state a big number first, the lower number will appear to be even lower.

Eg. I'm not asking you to pay £500 for this. I'm only asking for £300. Is better than saying 'this costs £300.

Ask for a bigger favour, before you ask for the real favour.

Notice how sales people use the contrast principle to get you to buy from them.

* I'm not asking for £100 for my sexy stoic based clothing.  I'm not even asking for £90.  All clothing in 'The Stoics' range is less than £40.  The Stoics

If someone does something for you, you'll want to return the favour.

Eg. If your given a gift you're much more likely to listen to what that person has to say.

* I like to see all these free blogs as my gift to you ;) hint, hint, huge huge ;)
4. Commitment and Consistency 

We have a desire to remain consistent with our actions. If we have someone slowly move on the direction we want, they'll be much more likely to continue when asked to do something bigger. We also want to appear constant when it comes to qualities we believe we have.

Eg. I saw you help that old woman. That was very kind and generous of you. I'm actually seeking out those exact qualities. Would you like to help out more people by providing them with water for their city? Would you be able to provide any money to help us?

Getting a written commitment will be much more effective as their is now physical proof.

Public commitments tend to be lasting commitments

Comitments are stronger when people believe they made the choice themselves.

* You want the world to be a better place, we all do.  So why not spread wisdom wherever you venture with beautiful stoic quotes.  The Stoics 
5. Pain

The more pain you go through to attain something the more you appreciate it.

Eg. A trophy is much more valuable when you have to train, compete and win, than a participation trophy.

6. Social Proof

We're much more likely to do something if others are doing it.

When we're uncertain we're much more likely to follow the group.

We will use the actions of others to decide proper behaviour for ourselves, especially when we view those others as similar to ourselves

Eg. Everyone else is looking awesome, wearing The Rocco Effect clothing, I probably should as well.


7. Liking 



We're much more likely to say yes to people we like.

We like people who are similar to us. Highlight similarities and you'll become more liked. Look for similar backgrounds or interests.

If people work together on a goal they'll build a stronger bond.

Eg. You'll be more likely to say yes too 'I was talking to your friend, Brian, and he recommended you this sexy Stoic Based Hoodie' too 'I'm selling this, are you interested?'. Because we like our friend.  Brians a legend..


8. Attractive


We're much more likely to say yes to an attractive person. 



By merging attractive people with a product, companies hope we pass the qualities of the attractive person into the product. We do.


9. Mirroring

People will like you more of you mirror their body movements. Don't make it obvious /mock them.



10. Complements

Even when they're not true people still like them and as a result like you more as well.

* The fact that you've read this far proves that you're smart and are a true seeker of wisdom.  You really should have clothing that reflects those qualities, but where could you possible find clothing like that?  hhhmmm....

11. Association

People assume qualities about you with how they perceive the groups they believe you belong to.

Think stereotypes.
* What sort of people were Stoic based clothing?  The best!

12. Authority

We give more weight to an opinion, depending on who said it.

An authority figure is more likely to be obayed and less likely to be questioned

*Did I mention that im a self-proclaimed genius? 

13. Scarcety

We place more value on rare items/things that are hard to get.

*How many people know about this site?  When you walk down the street wearing The Rocco Effect all eyes will be on you.

14. Loss

We are more motivated by potential loss than potential gain.

*You could buy clothing from here, or you could click that wee cross and return to your day, losing the chance to be the centre of attention and the most attractive person in the room.  With that opportunity just a few clicks away are you willing to let it go?
Thanks for reading.  Let me know what you think in the comments.



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