Movie Extra

Movie Extra

A story about the time i was a movie extra.

Original Script (I edited during recording)

I applied to be a movie extra, but it wasn't for me. They said all I had to do was sit on the sofa, play some Xbox and enjoy myself whilst the actor's had a dramatic lovers quarl. No matter how heated it got I was to continue playing, oblivious to the outside world. I'm like 'easy' I know how to tune out and play video games I've been practicing for this role my whole life. So I get into position, control in my hands head locked on the TV 'Action!' I imagine I'm playing my favourite game, Halo 3, and start moving about shooting all the aliens. I was aceing this. The only thing that might give away the fact that I was acting was that I was doing a little too good, so I decided to let the aliens get a few shots into me. I was back on track. Well I thought I was the director shouted 'Cut!' surely it wasn't over already? He walked up to me furious. then screamed in my face 'What the hell are you doing!' I replied 'Im playing Halo. I shot a few aliens, they just the small easy one's at this point, but I didn't want to seem too amazing so I allowed myself to get shot a few times to make it more realistic.' he just looked puzzled and said ' well why don't you try playing a more energetic game. We need more movement ' I'm like 'guitar hero?' he nods his head and goes 'yeah sure guitar hero ' and before I have a chance to ask for a new controller he's back in his seat shouting 'Action!' so I pick the most energetic song I could think of and start tapping away to through the fire and flames. Click, click, click I even balance the controller on my leg so I can tap away with both hands click, click, click 'Cut!' again the director storms up to me 'What the hell was that?' I reply 'that was through the fire and flames by DragonForce. It's the most difficult song I know ' he just shake's his head and waves his arms '! I want both hands on the controller. Move your body ' at this point I'm lost I'm like 'But there's no kinetic. Moving my body won't do anything.' He then screams at this tiny lass with a clipboard 'Clair! Fetch this man a! Quick woman!' she then sets it up (well enough that it looks set up. I'm not actually playing the Xbox so it doesn't need to be plugged in. This is all part of the art of acting.). So I'm like what's the best kenect game and I panicked, because they're all useless, so I decided to do just dance and do ra ra Rasputin, because that's honestly the only one I've seen. Unfortunately I'm not that great a dancer and it's even harder when you're expected to hold on to the controller the whole time. Anyway long story short I got kicked out. I watched the final cut a year later on TV and they had Clair sitting there moving her body from side to side. Not touching the analogue sticks and pressing the start button almost as much as any other button. Stick to your day job Clair you're clearly not cut out for acting.

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