Popeman and Choirboy - Part 16

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 16

 Swiss Army Knife


As the bridge explodes behind them John Paul slams his foot on the accelerator and weeps 'we've failed.  They're already exploding."  Francis raises his voice and hits back with 'No! The bridge is gone, but there's still time to save the rest of the city.  They're not going to blow up there holy building, right?  So if we can get them before they're deployed throughout the city, there's still a chance that we can save The rest of Glasgow, It's citizens and most importantly of all -  Christmas'. John Paul and Jesus nod there heads in agreement, the boys right, there's still time.  It's far too early to give up now.

The Popemobile pulls up outside the back of the mosque.  The whole area is walled off, so the only way in is through the well guarded entrance or over the wall.  Not wanting to be seen the boys choose to go over the wall.  John Paul steps outside the car and opens the boot.  Inside is a grappling hook attached to a rope.  He flings the grappling hook over the wall, tugs on it tight and our heros each make their way up and over the wall.

Once over they notice a small building behind the mosque , peering through the windows Francis sees all the Bums, asleep in beds. 'The Bums.  They're all asleep in this building', he says to the men.  John Paul then flings the grappling hook onto the roof of the building and they make their way up onto the roof.  Once on the roof they saw a rooftop window.  John Paul pulled out a Swiss army Knife from his pocket and addressed the other two "Don't worry guys, I've got this"  Francis looked puzzled then hit back with "Wait you've had a Swiss army knife this whole time?" John Paul nods his head "Yes, of course.  Always be prepared.  You never know when you might need it." Francis shakes his head "Why didn't you give me that as a weapon?  All i got was this lousy pen.  A Swiss army knife would have been far more effective, back at the park." John Paul placed his hand on Francis's shoulder "This is a dangerous tool, my boy.  You could easily harm yourself or others with this.  Maybe I'll let you use it, supervised of course, once you're a bit older" John Paul then opened the window and dropped down into the building.  Once in he wasted no time, quickly slicing each of the Bums throats as they slept.  The room was soon a pool of blood.

On the roof Francis spotted Muslims heading towards the building, to wake the Homeless Bums up.  'Jesus! Look.  What should we do?' Jesus nods his head and replies "It's been fun.  Thanks kid.  Take care of the old man, I've got this." Before Francis could respond Jesus jumped down from the roof, breaking his leg, but his anger was burning too much for him to notice the pain he charged forward, screaming "Aaaggghhh!!!." Before he reached the Muslims his leg gave way and he fell face first to the floor.  His mouth then started to foam up, chocking him.  The Muslims quickly put him into the recovery position and performed CPR, but alas, it was to late.  There was nothing they could do, but pray. 

Jesus was dead.

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