Popeman and Choirboy - Part 2

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 2


The Food-bank


That night the rain was pouring down.  A long haired homeless bum with a majestic beard wandered the streets drinking his bottle of wine.  Ahead of him a streetlight illuminates a loan paper on the ground.  It was as if god himself was sending this bum a sign.  As he get's closer he sees that it's a leaflet, he picks it up and reads it out 'Free food/shelter for the homeless at the local mosque - 8pm every night.'  The bum smiles "Free food.  Nice' and follows the directions to the mosque.

He walks up to the mosque, drenched, still sipping his wine. One of the other homeless bums that was already in the mosque sees him stumbling towards the building and rushes towards him ' Hi mate.  I'm Steve.  Oh gosh, look at you. You're drenched.  Let me get you some new threads'. Before he has time to gather his new clothes the bum had stripped naked and binned his clothes.  'Thanks mate.  They were soaking' the bum responds.  Steve rushes back with a white robe and sandals.  "It's not much but this should warm you up and these sandals will last you a lifetime' The bum pulls a face and hits back at steve. 'Whit you playing at?  I'm gonna look a state in this.  Anyway, where's ma food?' Steve chuckles and leads the way towards the mosque.   Before they enter the Mosque a muslim man stops the bum. 'Alright Steve.  On you go and I'll sort out your pal.'  Steve waves to the bum and makes his way inside. 'Sorry, but we don't allow alcohol inside the Mosque would you mind leaving it outside?" The bum was shocked "leave ma wine?  Leave My Wine! Are you insane?  I bet you just want it for yourself.  You're no stealing ma wine.  It's mine." The muslim was fluttered, he didn't know how to respond.  " Sorry sir, those are the rules" The bum turned away, bent over and lifted up his robe, mooning the man. "That's whit i think of you mate.  Screw your dinner i'll make ma own.  Nae-one takes ma wine fae me."  Then he ran off into the darkness.

When he had run as far as he could he saw a window with a light on.  He stood on the bins outside and made his way inside through the open window.  He then slips and crashes to the ground, inside the building.  'aagghh....'

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