
Popeman And Choirboy - Part 12

Popeman And Choirboy - Part 12

Rocco Desta

  The Bridge The night is dark, the air is calm and all is at peace, apart from the abyss underneath the bridge.  As Jesus walks towards the entrance, with his longsword in...

Popeman And Choirboy - Part 12

Rocco Desta

  The Bridge The night is dark, the air is calm and all is at peace, apart from the abyss underneath the bridge.  As Jesus walks towards the entrance, with his longsword in...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 11

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 11

Rocco Desta

  Christmas Slaying  The trio, all suited up, are in the car on their way to save Christmas.  John Paul speeds down the road whilst explaining the plan one last...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 11

Rocco Desta

  Christmas Slaying  The trio, all suited up, are in the car on their way to save Christmas.  John Paul speeds down the road whilst explaining the plan one last...

Popeman - Part 10

Popeman - Part 10

Rocco Desta

Costumes   Just as the men are heading out of the Office, Francis stops them.  He takes a deep breath in and then addresses the men "Hold on, lads!  I've got...

Popeman - Part 10

Rocco Desta

Costumes   Just as the men are heading out of the Office, Francis stops them.  He takes a deep breath in and then addresses the men "Hold on, lads!  I've got...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 9

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 9

Rocco Desta

  Weapons John Paul furrows his brow in contemplation, then dramatically declares, "Okay, we've figured out the what needs done, but executing it? That's gonna be difficult.  How the hell...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 9

Rocco Desta

  Weapons John Paul furrows his brow in contemplation, then dramatically declares, "Okay, we've figured out the what needs done, but executing it? That's gonna be difficult.  How the hell...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 8

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 8

Rocco Desta

  The Final Solution It was December 20th.  Snow pathed the streets, Christmas lights glistened on all the buildings and the Homeless Bums were now indistinguishable from all the other...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 8

Rocco Desta

  The Final Solution It was December 20th.  Snow pathed the streets, Christmas lights glistened on all the buildings and the Homeless Bums were now indistinguishable from all the other...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 7

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 7

Rocco Desta

  The Investigation As the boys leave the car John Paul notices a leaflet on the ground.  He picks it up and reads it 'Free food for the homeless, every...

Popeman and Choirboy - Part 7

Rocco Desta

  The Investigation As the boys leave the car John Paul notices a leaflet on the ground.  He picks it up and reads it 'Free food for the homeless, every...